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Spring Cleaning! Reimagining Uses for Materials in the Pre-K Classroom
Apr 23
10:00am - 12:30pm
Spring Cleaning! Reimagining Uses for Materials in the Pre-K Classroom
Grade(s): Pre-K
Subject(s): Dance, Drama, English Language Arts, Math, Music, Science, Social Studies, Visual Arts, World Languages
Concept(s): function, play
Simply Beautiful
John Scarfpin
Grade(s): 7
Subject(s): Science, Visual Arts
Concept(s): communication, identity, movement, play, problem solving, technology
Textile Weaving
Amy Keenan Amago
Grade(s): Pre-K
Subject(s): Visual Arts, Math, Dance
Concept(s): movement, order, part/whole, play
3-D Landscapes
Andrea Saenz Williams
Grade(s): Pre-K
Subject(s): Visual Arts, Science
Concept(s): place, play
Movement Photography
Elizabeth Nida
Grade(s): Pre-K
Subject(s): Visual Arts, English Language Arts, Science
Concept(s): movement, play
Becoming Part of the Action
Carolyn Walker, English Language Arts Teacher
Grade(s): K, 1, 2
Subject(s): Drama, English Language Arts, Visual Arts
Concept(s): family, play
Vollis Simpson
Wind Machine
Mixed Media
Ceremonial Ball Game Yoke
circa 250-900
Rosemary Laing
flight research #5
Elizabeth Murray
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