Pull: a force drawing someone or something in a particular direction or course of action
Force: strength or energy exerted or brought to bear; cause of motion or change; active power
Sculptor: an artist who makes sculptures
Sculpture: the action or art of processing (as by carving, modeling, or welding) plastic or hard materials into works of art
Rolling chair
Open space
Empty chairs
Digital camera
During the Middle Kingdom, tombs often contained models of boats for the deceased to use in a journey across water, a trip necessary to achieve resurrection in the afterlife. With its round bottom and prow and stern in the shape of stylized papyrus, this model boat resembles actual boats used on the Nile. A pilot at the prow watches the river ahead, and a helmsman with two oars steers from the stern. Two sailors attend the rigging for the sail, while four rowers pull on their oars. The deceased, covered in a white garment, sits impassively under a canopy viewing his progress toward the afterlife.